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Brown Harris Stevens Bridgehampton
Cynthia Barrett Your Hamptons Broker No •_06-01-2022_12h16m27s.png


This website is not the official website of Brown Harris Stevens LLC. Brown Harris Stevens LLC does not make any representation or warranty regarding any information, including without limitation its accuracy or completeness, contained on this website. Real estate agents affiliated with Brown Harris Stevens LLC are independent contractors and are not employees of Brown Harris Stevens LLC. All marks & copyrights are the property of their respective owners and used with permission. Equal Housing Opportunity.

Brown Harris Stevens Policy Standard Operating Procedures for Prospective Homebuyers
Prior to showing a homebuyer a property or providing services: (1) BHS does not require identification from a prospective homebuyer; (2) BHS does not require a homebuyer to sign an exclusive brokerage agreement requiring the homebuyer to work only with BHS on all properties; and (3)  BHS does not require a pre-approval for a mortgage loan in order to show a homebuyer properties. However, based upon the requirements of the seller, the building in which the property is located, or others, some or all of the foregoing items may be required. Date: April 20, 2022

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